Branded content. Is it for you?
Ask the ‘why question‘.
Then ask the ‘how’ question.
Take the long term view.
Do share. Sharing is caring.
Be a know-it-all.
Sweat your investment.
Explore partnerships.
Generate revenues.
Iterate. (And maybe pivot).
Branded content. How can you tell if it’s the right move for your company? And if you decide it is, how do you get the funding needed to get it rolling?
There’s no easy way to get financial support for a branded content strategy, or to plan one. But don’t worry–we’ve got 10 actionable tips to help you distill a well-rounded approach that pays back year after year (your finance team will love it).
Included in our content strategy white paper:
How to identify whether investing in content is the right move for your company now (and what to do if your answer is ‘no’)
The dangerous trap you should avoid to make sure that your amazing content sees the light of day after all the time and resources you invest in making it
How to use your content cleverly to increase consideration to purchase in a cost effective way
What’s an overlooked area of content investment that you should consider for stripping costs from your budget and growing your audience
Curious to learn more? Just fill in your details below and hit ‘get the guide’ to download our free guide. We look forward to seeing your branded content out there–or to making some together. If you’re looking for a content strategy partner, speak to a distiller now.