Earlier this week we gathered a panel of three brilliant minds for a breakfast discussion to talk through all things content and storytelling. Fuelled and caffeinated by the great team at the Riding House Cafe in our private room, it was a great session where we brought together a diverse range of brands across a range of sectors to talk through approaches to content and working with influencers. We find that challenges with content are consistent across sectors.
We thought we’d share three key quotes from each of our panelists.
Award-winning interactive media, online video and TV producer/commissioner Adam Gee reflected on his extensive experience at Channel 4, including his latest short form commission which amassed over 120 million views in just 10 days.
“Content must work and be satisfying for passive, semi-active and active audiences - not only for the most engaged.”
“Online is no longer the tail and broadcast the dog - the time is very close where they flip and Video On Demand becomes the core of the broadcaster.”
“The beginning of any online film is critical, particularly short form - your audience needs to be hooked in seconds”
YouTuber and Influencer Coleen Mensa discussed her experience working with The Distillery London on past influencer campaigns, as well as her work vlogging for the Law Careers society.
“Influencers are the megaphones of social media and their audiences trust the message.”
“Hire by fit, not by numbers; don’t underestimate the power of micro-influencers”
“If you’re looking to work with an influencer, be ready to develop creative that fits their audience”
Digital Strategist and travel and lifestyle influencer Laurie Wang shared ideas around the fragmentation of content, the challenges of making content more intimate as it competes for eyeballs and the demand for customer services.
“Your content needs to feel intimate to compete with content from family and friends”
“2nd screen is now your primary screen.”
“Content is king no more. Trust is king.”
We didn’t livestream or record the event (*gasp*). If you'd like to hear more about the session, don't hesitate to get in touch.
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